
Anti-static Performance Testing Requirements

  • 2023-03-02 14:41:49

When testing the static eliminator, the operator should take electrostatic protection measures, such as wearing anti-static clothes, anti-static caps, anti-static shoes, etc. to ensure that the human body is grounded.

The compressed air source of the static eliminator should be clean, dry, free of dust, grease, moisture, etc.

During testing, various parameters of the test environment should be recorded, such as temperature, humidity, air flow rate, air pressure or air flow, and environmental cleanroom cleanliness.

Matters Need Attention

1:There should be no large metal conductors or metal grounding bodies around the static eliminator and testing equipment.

2:There should be no other static eliminators, static generators, high-voltage power supplies, power spray, high-voltage power transmission, and live equipment around the static eliminator and the testing instrument.

3:There should be no statically charged insulating objects or static sources around the static eliminator and testing equipment.

4:There should be no obstacles that hinder the air flow between the static eliminator and the testing instrument. The testing instrument and static eliminator (if there is a ground terminal) should be well grounded. Before the testing instrument is used for testing, it should be cleared or adjusted.

Clean Room Wipers

Testing environment requirements

Test temperature and humidity: 20-26℃, 12±3%RH or 50±5%RH. (When the technical contract has special requirements for the test temperature and humidity of the static eliminator, it shall be executed according to the corresponding technical contract)

There must no turbulent air flow, electrostatic field, and interference electromagnetic field within a radius of 1.5m around the static eliminator or the flat panel testing instrument.

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